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Sales Conditions


The purpose of these general conditions is the remote purchase of goods through the telematics network and the site of the company Stock Leather House with registered office in Via dell'Industria 23/A/3 36071 Arzignano (Vicenza), P.IVA: .
Purchase operations will be regulated by Italian Legislative Decree 206/05, while privacy will be protected by Italian Legislative Decree 196/03.
These general conditions can be updated or modified by Stock Leather House at any moment, without prior warning; any update and/or modification will become valid from the date on which it/they are published on the Internet site
Clients shall view these general conditions whenever they are modified and, if considered opportune, will print and preserve them.
The term online sales contract is intended as the remote contract stipulated between a supplier, Stock Leather House and a client using the remote sales system run by the supplier, namely the legal shop; the purpose of said shop is to sell goods and chattels and/or services exclusively using the remote communication technology called the Internet for this contract.


1.1 The conditions in the introduction are an integral and essential part of this contract.

1.2 All contracts will be concluded directly when Clients (businesses and private citizens) enter the Internet site corresponding to the address At this point the Clients can conclude the contract to purchase the required product by carefully following the pertinent indications and procedures.

1.3 These general sales conditions must be examined online by clients before the purchase procedure is completed. Sending the order confirmation therefore implies total awareness of said conditions and their full acceptance.

1.4 By sending the confirmation of their purchase order telematically, Clients unconditionally accept and shall observe, in the relations with Stock Leather House, he general and the payment conditions illustrated below, declaring to have read and accepted all the indications supplied by said clients pursuant to the regulations given above, and also acknowledging that Stock Leather House is not bound by other conditions unless agreed upon beforehand in writing.


2.1 TAll the sales prices of the products that are displayed and indicated on the Internet site and which are offered to the general public pursuant to art. 1336 of the Italian Civil Code, include VAT and any other pertinent tax.

2.2 The total cost of delivery to the domicile of the client is payable by said client, unless otherwise specified. The client will be informed of said delivery costs before the purchase is confirmed.

2.3 The purchase contract is implemented after being compiled exactly and consent to purchase has been given through adhesion online after registering.

2.4 The client must pay for the goods that were ordered using the payment methods indicated online when purchasing, with delivery occurring after payment has been made successfully.

2.5 The prices of the different types of transport refer to the weight, bulk and delivery destination. The standard delivery price refers to goods up to 10 kg. Verify


3.1 Stock Leather House shall deliver the selected and ordered products to clients at the address indicated by them, using the methods indicated in the previous article and by way of the carrier CORRIERE.
3.2 The purchased goods will be delivered within the terms indicated by art. 6 of Italian Legislative Decree 206/05. No responsibility can be attributed to the supplier because of late or no delivery resulting from extenuating circumstances or fortuitous causes.
Stock Leather House shall process the order immediately, sending it to the address indicated on the module. Some products may require extra days for production.
The normal delivery times for Italy are within 24/48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays). In special cases, and if living in the islands or a peripheral area, the delivery times can extend to 72/96 hours.
You will receive an email when the goods are sent. From that moment, someone must be present at the delivery address during the following 24/48 hours.

3.3 The client shall verify that the goods, when they arrive, comply with the order made; only after making this check, and obviously except for the right to withdraw as indicated in point 8, the client shall sign the delivery documents.

3.4 When the goods are delivered, the client shall verify the integrity of the packages and that the quantity and quality delivered correspond with the delivery note. Any differences found must be signalled on the delivery note and confirmed, within seven days, by fax to +39.392.9165425 or registered letter with return receipt to Stock Leather House in Via dell'Industria 23/A/3 36071 Arzignano (Vicenza). Even if the packaging is whole, the goods must be verified within seven days from receipt. Any visible irregularities must be signalled in writing to fax number +39.392.9165425 or by registered letter with return receipt sent to Stock Leather House, Via dell'Industria 23/A/3 36071 Arzignano (Vicenza), or by email to Any complaints received after the terms indicated above will not be considered. The client takes full responsibility for what is stated in each declaration.

3.5 Home delivery, except for other written agreements made between the parties, will be made every day from Monday to Friday excluding public holidays, and on Saturday if specifically requested. The goods will be delivered to the ground floor from 8 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm.

3.6 Clients must be available during the times given in point 3.4 in order to accept the delivery and prevent additional costs being added by the carrier for non-delivery; any charges of this type will be paid by the client.

3.7 Stock Leather House is not responsible for any damage to the purchased products caused by the carrier.


4.1 The client can only purchase those products currently present in the electronic catalogue of Stock Leather House visible online at In the event that the quantity given in an online order exceeds the quantity available for a given article, Stock Leather House shall accept said order but limited to the quantity effectively available from its virtual warehouse. Stock Leather House shall inform the client (by phone or email) if the ordered products will or will not be available in future.


5.1 Stock Leather House is not responsible for any delay caused by extenuating circumstances such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, flooding and other similar events that either fully or partly prevent order delivery within the times agreed in the contract.

5.2 Stock Leather House is not responsible on behalf of any party or third parties for any occurring damage, loss and costs if the contract is not followed correctly as a result of the abovementioned causes; in this case the client only has the right to have paid amounts returned.

5.3 Stock Leather House is not responsible for the fraudulent and illegal use of credit cards, cheques and other methods of payment possibly used by third parties when paying for the purchased products.

5.4 Stock Leather House cannot be informed of the client's credit card number at any moment during the purchase procedure; said number is transmitted directly to the manager of the bank service by way of a protected connection.


The quality of our products is at the top of the respective categories, and the manner in which they are stored and delivered guarantees preservation over time.
All our products are covered by guarantee for any product defect or flaw; said defect or flaw must be signalled within 8 days from when it is discovered. We will replace the product at our cost or return to the client the amount paid, including delivery costs, according to what is indicated by articles 1519 quater and sexies of the Italian Civil Code.
Stock Leather House is not responsible for damages caused by incorrect product use or if the product is used in other ways than those published or recommended by Stock Leather House on its site or by email.


7.1 Once the online purchase procedure has closed, the client shall print and preserve these general conditions which said client must have already viewed and accepted because an obligatory step for purchase; the client must also have viewed and accepted the specifications of the product being bought, in order to fully satisfy the conditions indicated in articles 3 and 4 of Italian legislative Decree 206/05.

7.2 These general conditions can be updated or modified at any moment by Stock Leather House which shall inform of said updates and/or modifications through its own Website. Whenever said general conditions are modified, the client shall print and preserve them.

7.3 Purchasers cannot insert false and/or invented and/or fantasy data when registering. Said information is necessary for processing this contract and the relative additional communications; the personal details and email must be exclusively the real personal data of the client, and not those of third parties, or imaginary.

7.4 Making two registrations for one person or inserting the data of third parties is expressly forbidden. Stock Leather House reserves the right to legally prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.

7.5 The client relieves Stock Leather House from any and all responsibility deriving from the issue of incorrect tax documents resulting from errors made in the data supplied by the Client. The client is the only person responsible for correct insertion.


8.1 Pursuant to art. 5 of Italian Legislative Decree 206/05, the client can exercise the right to withdrawal, returning the product received and obtaining a refund of the price paid within 10 days.

8.2 Consumers who, for any reason, are not satisfied by the purchase made can withdraw from this contract without paying any penalty and without specifying a reason. Withdrawal must be made within 10 working days from when the purchased goods are received.

8.3 All product return costs are payable by the client who, directly or using another means, shall deliver the products to the domicile of the seller; all articles must be returned in the same conditions as when received, including the original packaging and any manuals and/or instruction booklets that are part of the packaging and the original packing; goods cannot be returned in any other way.

8.4 To exercise the right to withdrawal, the client must, within the terms indicated above, send a registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Stock Leather House Via dell'Industria 23/A/3 36071 Arzignano (Vicenza).
Within the same term, a telegram or fax can be sent to +39.392.9165425 with a registered letter with return receipt following within 48 hours to confirm the return of the goods. We will refund the amounts paid by the client as quickly as possible, and in any case within 30 days from when the communication above is received, maintaining only the amount of the delivery costs, which will remain definitively at the cost of the client. The right to withdrawal is only applied to goods that are integral when returned, and cannot be exercised for products which, because of their nature, cannot be returned or risk being modified or deteriorate rapidly.

8.5 Stock Leather House accepts the goods returned, reserving the right to ascertain that the products were returned in their original status and with the original packaging; only in this case will the amount paid by the consumer for product purchase be reimbursed.

8.6 The delivery costs upheld for delivery of the product to the client and for the possible return to Stock Leather House are not refundable.


9.1 By filling in the relative space on the Web site, clients authorise Stock Leather House to use their credit card, or another card issued as a replacement, and to debit the total amount highlighted as the cost of the purchase made online in favour of Stock Leather House to their current account. The whole procedure is carried out directly with the banking institute that owns and manages the online payment service through protected connection, and Stock Leather House cannot gain access.

9.2 In the event that the consumer uses the right to withdrawal, as described in point 8 of these general conditions, the amount to be refunded will be accredited to the same credit card that was used to pay.


10.1 Stock Leather House can resolve the stipulated contract by simply informing the client and indicating the reason; in this case the client has the exclusive right to receive any sum already paid.

10.2 The obligations assumed by the client pursuant to art. 7 (Obligations of the purchaser), as well as the final payment made by the client using the means indicated in art. 2, are essential. Under express agreement, non-fulfilment by the client of only one of said obligations will cause the contract to be resolved pursuant to art. 1456 Italian Civil Code, without the need for legal prosecution, excluding the right of Stock Leather House to act legally for the refund of additional damages.

Art. 11: PRIVACY

Stock Leather House fully respects your privacy. The data you transmit to us will be treated using electronic tools and will only be used to manage your orders and delivery.
Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 regarding the protection of personal data, all the information relative to personal data, orders and payments made are strictly reserved. We guarantee that we will not, for any reason, divulge your personal data to third parties outside the site.
By writing to you can ask to receive information about new items, promotions and new product ranges, which will enable us to offer you a service that is more complete.

11.1 The personal data are collected in order to register the client and activate the procedures for fulfilling this contract and the relative necessary communications; these data are treated electronically in respect of laws in force and can only be exhibited following a request from the judicial authorities.
11.2 Your personal data will be communicated to subjects delegated to carrying out the activities necessary for fulfilling the contract stipulated and issued exclusively for matters relative to this purpose.

11.3 Those who offer their personal data can apply the rights indicated in art. 13 of Italian Law 675/1996, namely to: request confirmation of the existence at Stock Leather House of their personal data; to know their origin, logic and purposes for their treatment; to have them updated, rectified and integrated; to request that they be cancelled, changed to anonymous form or blocked in case of unlawful treatment; to oppose to their treatment for legitimate reasons or if the data are used to send advertising material, marketing information, market research, direct sales and interactive business communication.

11.4 To have your personal data cancelled, send written communication by fax to +39.392.9165425 or by email to

11.5 Titolare e responsabile della raccolta e del trattamento dei dati personali è E Stock Leather House Via dell'Industria 23/A/3 36071 Arzignano (Vicenza) P.IVA: ___.


12.1 Any controversy regarding the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the purchase contracts stipulated online through the Web site is governed by Italian law; for anything not expressly indicated herein, these general conditions shall refer to Italian Leg.Decree no. 50 of 15.1.1992 and Italian Leg.Decree 206/05.

12.2 Any controversy arising between the parties regarding this contract will be judged by the competent court in the place where the client is resident or domiciled.